airscapes 2006
siem reap and nuits d’angkor

the view from our riverside hotel
the view from our riverside hotel
the river stung siem reapthe river stung siem reap
the "lobby" of our hotel
hotel lobby
cambodians love their traffic circlescambodians love their traffic circles
the gates of angkor wat
the gates of angkor wat
an angkor wat galleryan angkor wat gallery
angkor wat is never without a crowd in the dry season
angkor wat is never without a crowd in the dry season
balinese and cambodian dancers take a curtain callbalinese and cambodian dancers take a curtain call after the annual "nuits d'angkor" dance spectacle in front of angkor wat

cambodian apsara dance

balinese gamelan excerpt

the 3 nights of "nuits d'angkor" are among the few nights of the year when the temple is lit up after sundown
angkor wat alight
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all pictures © copyright john neilson, all rights reserved
if you see something you'd like to reuse, please

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