about these pictures

New!   I finally retired the Coolpix 950. The recently-added Malaysian pictures were taken with a new Lumix LX3 (which has a fast wide-angle lens and does 16x9 aspect ratio, making it great for (air- and) landscapes.

most of the pictures on the more recent sections were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 950 digital camera.    a few of the images — closeups, the bomber pictures, etc. — were taken using the standard lens, but almost all of the aerial shots were done with the optional wide-angle lens.    (the picture at the top of this page shows the camera in action, and was grabbed as a still from dave's video footage.)

photos shot prior to 2001 were taken with a Minolta 35mm camera and the slides were later scanned into digital format.

photos from hong kong and shanghai were taken with a broken Minolta 35mm camera, though I didn't realize it at the time.

*      *      *
if you look close you'll see plenty of cockpit window reflections, bug smears, and artifacts from being in the wrong place vis a vis the sun.    c'est la vie.

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